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Somerset Waterways Volunteers Forthcoming Activities

Posted on 24th July, 2017 in News

Hello Everyone.

Here are the details of our planned activities:

Bridgwater Tuesday 27th November
Bridgwater Saturday 1st December
Taunton Saturday 1st December
Bridgwater Tuesday 4th December

Advance Notice

Wellington Wednesday 12th December

Jayes Cutting Somerset Section of the Grand Western Canal.

Details can be found in the text below…

Bridgwater Work Party

Tuesday 27th November

We meet at the IWA Cabin in Bridgwater Docks, Northgate Bridgwater TA6 3EX

10.00am start and we aim to finish around 1.00pm

Task: Vegetation control and litter removal in the Huntworth Area.

We will meet at the Docks as usual at 10.00 am. However we need to car share to site please let me know if you can assist with this if you are willing to use your car and give some other Volunteers a lift to the site.

Volunteers are advised to wear clothing suitable for the weather conditions and wear sturdy boots or shoes.  Please let me know if you plan to attend before 6pm Monday 26th November. We need to car share to site please let me know if you can assist with this.

Also please include your latest contact phone number so that we can let you know of any necessary changes to our plans.

My contact details are below.

Bridgwater Work Party

Saturday 1st December

We meet at the IWA Cabin in Bridgwater Docks, Northgate Bridgwater TA6 3EX

10.00am start and we aim to finish around 1.00pm

Task: We plan to work on the Brownes Ponds and Taunton Road Pond using the Rib inflatable to remove litter rubbish and other items of rubbish plus some overhanging branches where possible to do so.  Thinning out some of the hedgerow to let the light in.

We may also if time permits try to remove some long standing litter and rubbish near Canal View area of the canal  where there are watercourse leading into or under it.  These are likely be somewhat muddy tasks so we advise to wear some old waterproof clothing. Please let me know if you plan to attend before 6pm Friday 30th November.

Also please include your latest contact phone number so that we can let you know of any necessary changes to our plans.

My contact details are below.

Taunton Work Party

Saturday 1st December

Volunteers meet at Bathpool Canal Car Park off Dyers Green Lane, Bathpool TA2 8BZ

10.00am start and we aim to finish around 1.30pm

Task: Litter pick the area then walk down onto the River Tone and back down the Canal.  This will depend on the weather and numbers attending. We may car share to site where necessary.  Volunteers are advised to wear clothing suitable for the weather conditions and wear sturdy boots or shoes.  You may wish to bring a bottle of drinking water with you.

Please let Steve know if you plan to attend before 6pm Friday 30th November.

Also please include your latest contact phone number so that we can let you know of any necessary changes to our plans.  Steve’s contact details are below.

Bridgwater Work Party

Tuesday 4th December

We meet at the IWA Cabin in Bridgwater Docks, Northgate Bridgwater TA6 3EX

10.00am start and we aim to finish around 1.00pm

Task: Vegetation control and litter removal.  We will meet at the Docks as usual and car share to work site, if necessary, Volunteers are advised to wear clothing suitable for the weather conditions and wear sturdy boots or shoes.  You may wish to bring a bottle of drinking water with you.

Please let me know if you plan to attend before 6pm Monday 3rd December.

Also please include your latest contact phone number so that we can let you know of any necessary changes to our plans.

My contact details are below.

Wellington Work Party

Wednesday 12th December

Jayes’ Cutting Near Wellington

We meet at Tesco Car Park in Taunton

10.00am start and we aim to finish around 2.30pm

Task: We will be working on clearing overgrowth on a section of the Grand Western Canal.  We will meet at Tesco Car Park and car share to Jayes’ Cutting near Wellington, not far from the Beam Bridge Hotel.  The nearest post code is TA21 0JR. Volunteers are advised to wear clothing suitable for the weather conditions and wear sturdy boots or shoes.  You may wish to bring a bottle of drinking water with you.  Please let me know if you plan to attend before 6pm Tuesday 11th December.

Also please include your latest contact phone number so that we can let you know of any necessary changes to our plans.

My contact details are below.

Contact Details:

Mike Slade.
Volunteer Co-ordinator

West Country Branch
Mobile 07977263840
Email mdslade8@gmail.com

Steve’s contact details are:


Mobile: 07855794256