Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
Proposed Main Modifications to the Submitted Sedgemoor Local Plan 2011-2032 – Statement of
Representations Procedure and Availability of Documents for Inspection
The Sedgemoor Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination on 1st August 2017. The Local Plan relates to the whole District and provides a strategy for delivering growth for Sedgemoor District up to 2032. The document provides the vision, objectives, strategic policies, development management policies and site specific allocations for delivering new homes, jobs, services, facilities and infrastructure.
Examination hearing sessions took place between December 2017 and March 2018. Following this the Inspector has identified what main modifications she is minded to recommend. These are the changes to the Local Plan that are considered necessary to make the plan sound and/or legally complaint. In identifying the proposed main modifications the Inspector has taken full account of all the evidence and information available and the discussions at the examination hearing sessions. The main modifications are as proposed at this stage. The Inspector will take account of all
representations submitted in response to this consultation before finally concluding whether or not a particular modification is required to make the plan sound.
The Inspector is now inviting comments on the proposed main modifications. Comments at this stage should only be made in relation to the proposed main modifications and associated consultation documents, not other aspects of the Local Plan outside the scope of the proposed main modifications consultation.
Period for representations
The period for submission of representations on the proposed main modifications and associated consultation documents will run from 28th August 2018 until 10th October 2018. Representations should refer to the relevant main modifications reference number (e.g. MM/1) and be received no later than 5pm on 10th October 2018.
Details for making representations and availability of documents for Inspection
The proposed main modifications and associated consultation documents will be available to view, download and make representations on at:
The website includes details of the Council’s online consultation portal where representations can be made electronically ( Representations can also be made using the available representations forms and emailed to or posted to Planning Policy Team, Inward Investment and Growth, Sedgemoor District Council, Bridgwater House, King Square, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3AR. Submitting representations online or by email will help the District Council to reduce paper and save time.
If you do not have access to the internet, representation forms can be collected during normal opening hours from the Council offices at Bridgwater House, Kings Square, Bridgwater, TA6 3AR.
The proposed main modification and associated consultation documents will also be available for inspection at Sedgemoor District Council Offices and the following public libraries during normal opening hours: Bridgwater, Burnham-on-Sea, Cheddar, Highbridge, North Petherton and Nether Stowey. If you have any queries on how to make representations the Planning Policy Team can be contacted on 01278 435544.
Local Plan Examination Library
The Local Plan examination library, which contains the Council’s submission documents, examination documents and information relating to the previous hearing sessions is also available to view at, or can alternatively be inspected at the Council’s offices upon request by contacting the Programme Officer by email programme.officer@sedgemoor or by phone on 01278 435361.