To help Somerset residents manage their anxieties and worries Mindline Cornoavirus has been set up. Mindline Somerset, is an existing emotional support helpline that has extended its opening times to 9am-11pm Mon-Fri and 8pm-11pm Sat-Sun to target those effected by the Corona Virus. It is not a general advice line but they will be able to listen, support and try to help people if they need further emotional support.
Self-Isolating? Worried about a loved one or what you’re seeing on the news? You are not alone.
We are here to listen and support Monday-Friday 9am-11pm and Saturday-Sunday 8pm-11pm on 01823 276 892 ( local call rate)
“We believe that nobody should have to face a mental health problem alone. And because many in our community are self-isolating the need for mental and emotional support is more important than ever. Please share this number with family, friends and work colleagues.” Andrew Pritchard, Mind in Somerset
“It is normal to feel vulnerable and overwhelmed as we read news about the outbreak, especially if you have experienced trauma or a mental health issues in the past. It’s important to acknowledge these feelings and remind each other that staying healthy is as much about your mind as it is about your body. “ Louise Finnis, Public Health, Somerset County Council.
That is why we at Mindline Somerset are working with Public Health, Somerset County Council and the NHS to expand our offer to provide mental health telephone support Monday- Friday 9am-11pm and Saturday-Sunday 8pm-11pm.
Mindline Somerset has been running since 2002 and is run by call handlers who are specially trained to provide callers with a safe space to talk. Our listeners treat all callers, regardless of background, in a non-judgmental way with dignity and respect.
Quotes from our callers:
“An understanding safe place”
“Mindline is an outlet for me”
“ I got the chance to be listened to rather than being the listener”
“It’s reassuring to know somebody is there if I need them”