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Coronavirus update from Somerset County Council – 09/08

Posted on 10th August, 2021 in News

All our help and information is now available in a single place on the SCC website https://www.somerset.gov.uk/latest-coronavirus-updates/

This page is refreshed through the day so please check in regularly to keep across developments and news.

Public Health dashboard: Detailed Public Health information dashboards are available on our website www.somerset.gov.uk/coronavirus just scroll down to ‘Covid-19 dashboard’. These are updated daily.

Top stories today:

Advice on vaccinating children and young people

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has advised this week that all 16 and 17-year-olds will receive their first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

The updated advice means that young people will be afforded around 80% protection against hospitalisation, following their first dose.

It is expected that protection will probably be even higher as younger people respond better to vaccines and some will have already had the Covid-19 infection, meaning this first dose should act as a ‘booster’ to their immunity.

The second dose will extend protection for an even longer period, for example when those young people start work or go to university, or if we begin to get another wave of cases in winter. It is likely that, when the second dose is offered, this will be from 12 weeks after the first dose.

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Think 111 says ambulance service

People in Somerset are being urged to use NHS 111 online for medical advice with demand for 999 calls increasing and ambulance staff helping more patients.

The 111 online service offers patients quick advice on the best option for them to get the care they need, including getting a call back from a trained clinician or nurse, booking them an appointment in A&E, or providing advice on how to help them recover.

The call comes from local ambulance leaders as demand for 999 calls rises.
SWASFT received 24,049 incidents last week – 28% higher than in the same week in 2019 before the pandemic.

While call handlers have reported some 999 calls in recent days have been for non-emergency issues such as sunburn, minor cuts, and sprains.

Patients are also being urged to only call 999 back if their condition worsens – not to check what time their ambulance will arrive.

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International travel rules and requirements

If you’re planning a holiday abroad, it’s important to check the rules and requirements around testing, vaccination and whether you need to quarantine on your return to England.

The Government has announced the fully vaccinated amber rules will apply to France from 4am on 8 August. From the same time, Austria, Germany, Latvia, Norway, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia will move to the green list. Bahrain, India, Qatar and United Arab Emirates will move to the amber list and Georgia, Mayotte, Mexico and Reunion will move to the red list.

The step aligns France with the rest of the amber list, where those who are fully vaccinated with a vaccine authorised and administered in the UK, US or Europe do not need to quarantine when arriving in England.

Passengers arriving from amber countries who have been fully vaccinated in Europe and the USA currently do not have to quarantine or take a day eight test on arrival when entering England.

Countries and territories can move between lists at any time if the Covid-19 situation changes.

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Vaccination Update

For the latest information about the Somerset vaccination programme follow this link: Covid-19 vaccinations in Somerset – Somerset CCG

The site also provides the latest information about vaccination clinics and walk-in centres across the county.

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