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Defibrillator Locations

The Parish Council have three defibrillators in the Village

One is situated outside the VILLAGE HALL on the front of the building by the car park

Call Sign: SCO 612
Post Code: TA7 0EX

(Kindly provided courtesy of the generosity of a resident of the village)

The second is on the front wall of the WESTONZOYLAND STORES in Fore Street

Call Sign: SCO 660
Post Code: TA7 0EE

The third is available for public use located at Middlezoy Rovers FC on Airfield courtesy of MRFC

Location/Call Sign: Ethan Berry Pavilion
Post Code: 

All can be easily used and operated. To use ALWAYS phone 999 first and ask for access code to open the defibrillator cabinet.

This ensures medical staff will be on their way as quickly as possible to help you and you have access to the defibrillator nearest available. All are registered with SWAST.NHS

Training in the use of defibrillators is planned – If you wish to partake please contact any member of the Parish Council; call 01278 455742 or 07776216670; to register or e-mail alanhurf762@gmail.com.