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Local residents to receive important voter registration information

Posted on 26th July, 2016 in News

Households in Sedgemoor will soon be receiving a form asking residents to check whether the information that appears on the electoral register for those living at their address is correct as part of Sedgemoor’s annual voter registration canvass.

The aim of the form is to ensure that the electoral register is up to date and to identify any residents who are not registered so that they can be encouraged to do so.

Even if you recently voted at the recent EU Referendum Sedgemoor still need a response to the form. Louise Potter, Democratic and Elections Officer at Sedgemoor District Council said:

“Anyone that wants to vote must be registered. To make sure you are able to have your say in any future elections, simply check the form when it arrives and return it as promptly as possible.

If you’re not currently registered, we’ll send you information explaining how to do this or you can just go online to apply to register at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

It’s particularly important that anyone who has moved address recently looks out for the form and checks whether they are registered. Any residents who have any questions can contact the elections team at Sedgemoor District Council by calling 0300 303 7804