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Parish Planning Applications

You may view details of applications, their plans and other associated documents submitted on our website – www.sedgemoor.gov.uk/planningonline, and we would be pleased to receive any observations you may wish to make before the Application “Comments Welcome By” deadline.

Please note that any comments you make on this planning application will be made publicly available to view at the Council’s offices and on the website.

In view of the limited statutory period within which an application may be determined, we regret that if your reply is not received by the date specified above we must assume that you have no observations to make in this particular case.

Please note: there may be a delay of approx. 24 hours before the documents and plans are scanned and available for viewing.

Valid planning grounds include: Invalid planning grounds include:
  • Traffic generation and road safety.
  • The impact of the building on its neighbours, for example, through overshadowing, overlooking, loss of privacy.
  • Effect on the landscape.
  • Compliance with national, regional and local planning policy and guidance.
  • The impact upon the character and appearance of the area or street including the appropriateness of design, materials, landscaping, etc.
  • Other environmental issues, such as noise.
  • Impact of development on property values.
  • Maintenance of a view from a private property.
  • Civil matters such as ownership.
  • Private rights of way and restrictive covenants.
  • The fact that development may have already begun.

Planning Applications

Planning application number: 53/24/00020/JMS

Proposal: Erection of detached annexe.

Location: 17 Load Lane, Westonzoyland, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA7 0LW

Please click here to view this planning application on Somerset Planning North: Planning Online website