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Parish Newsletter – Time is running out to have your say

Posted on 21st May, 2018 in News

Anyone with an interest in Somerset’s libraries has one more month to take part in the County Council’s consultation on the future of its Library Service.

The consultation ends on Wednesday 13 June and more than 4,000 responses have been received so far.

Somerset County Council is keen for anyone yet to complete the questionnaire to go online at www.somerset.gov.uk/librariesconsultation, view the proposal on the future of the library they visit most often and give their feedback. Alternatively, complete the survey at your local library.

Decision makers want to know the impact potential changes to the library service would have on you, your family and communities. It also provides an opportunity to comment on the proposals and make alternative suggestions.

Councillor David Hall, Somerset County Council’s Cabinet Member with responsibility for libraries, said: “With just a month to go before the library consultation ends, I encourage anyone who has yet to have their say to complete a questionnaire and make their voice count. It’s important to us as many people as possible tell us their views on our proposals and how they may affect them before we make our final decision.”

A final decision on Somerset’s library service is expected later this year.