All our help and information is now available in a single place on the SCC website
This page is refreshed several times a day so please check in regularly to keep across developments and news.
One number for Coronavirus support
We now have a single phone number 0300 790 6275 for anyone in Somerset who needs Coronavirus-related support from their councils.
The Somerset Coronavirus Support Helpline number is live and will make it easier for people access any local authority help they may need, including emotional support, in the current crisis. Please do share this through your networks and social media.
It links the district and county council contact centres and will be operating seven days a week, 8am to 6pm. The district and county councils’ usual phone numbers for non-Coronavirus related issues will be running as normal alongside the new number.
The new number won’t cover medical advice. People will need to continue to use the 111 NHS online service and only ring 111 if they cannot get help online.
Anyone who can’t find help from local networks and volunteers can use the new number to get help and advice around:
- Personal care and support including food and delivery of prescriptions
- Support for the homeless
- Emotional support if you’re feeling worried or anxious
- Transport to medical appointments
- Waste collection and disposal
- Financial support
The 0300 790 6275 number is being staffed by the five councils in Somerset and will be available seven days per week 8am – 6pm.
Mental and emotional support
As the lockdown continues, many of us will be feeling the strain and stress. It’s important to remember that although you may be isolated you are not alone. If you need to talk to someone Somerset Mindline 01823 276892 is available Monday-Friday 9am-11pm and Saturday and Sunday 8pm-11pm.
Helping people during Coronavirus
Volunteers are needed to help in our community for example to deliver shopping, pick up prescriptions, help care for pets or simply phone a neighbour to support them during their isolation. For more information on volunteering, local community groups or to get involved visit or call 01460 202970 or email
Stay at home and save lives this Easter
We are urging everyone – residents and visitors – to stay away from Somerset’s beauty spots and visitor attractions this Easter. With fine weather forecast and the Easter holidays starting, it’s essential people aren’t tempted to travel to take advantage of the beautiful Somerset outdoors.
A message from your local pharmacies
Community pharmacies in Somerset are working tirelessly to ensure that everyone’s medicines and healthcare needs will be met over the coming days and weeks. There are some simple steps we can all take to help them.
Please remember to stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives.