Nuclear regulation news
Our response to Hinkley Point C’s Development Consent Order Material Change consultation
Our role
The Environment Agency is responsible for regulating environmental protection at nuclear sites, ensuring that people and the environment are properly protected.
NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited needs environmental permits from us to cover the work and the controls that it needs to put into place for construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of any new power station.
What’s happening now?
NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited is proposing to make changes to the Development Consent Order for Hinkley Point C.
It held a consultation from 9 January to 29 February 2024.
The Environment Agency, in its role as a statutory consultee, responded to the pre-application consultation to materially change the original Development Consent Order.
We have published our response on GOV.UK.
The document sets out the Environment Agency’s advice on HPC’s obligations in providing an Environmental Impact Assessment, Habitats Regulations Assessment, Water Framework Directive Compliance Assessment, Flood Risk Assessments, Environmental Permits, and other areas within our remit.
This response does not represent the Environment Agency’s final view, and is provided without prejudice, in relation to any future Development Consent Order application or Environmental Permit applications made to us.
The Environment Agency’s final views will be based on all relevant information included in the applications and the latest guidance available at that time.